Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Assessment rubric

Hello everybody!!!
We are finishing working on my Open Educational Project and we have learnt many things so far. First, I showed you an analysis of an Open Educational Project published on the internet, in order to observe the main features that it contains because I wanted to create my own Open Educational Project. Then, I gave you some tips for carrying out the first approach to our Educational Project, creating a prototype of it. As the time passed by, I was getting more involved in this digital world and I wanted to enrich my prototype by doing it collaborative, taking into account collaboration inside, outside and back to the classroom. After that, I tried to look for partners and get in touch with an awsome collaborative community called The 30 Goals Challenge. The last step I took for enriching my Educational Project, as you could see, was turning flat activities into super learning missions, in which I gave you two super learning missions.
Today I want to show you the assessment rubric I have done for my Open Educational Project.
First of all, I would like to tell you why evaluation is so important. The assessment must be seen as a tool to improve the learning process, whose main goal is to determine the extent to which the quality goals set in the standards are being met, associated with the expected learning outcomes of the students. In other words, assess means to make an analysis of our intervention and, therefore, it is a moment of reflection that culminates the learning process that is the development of our activity. To evaluate, leads us consequently, to improve and to progress.
What do we have to take into account when creating a rubric for the assessment?
There are four main elements that we must take into account:
  • The aspects of the learning process to be assessed
  • A well defined criteria of each specific aspect to be assessed is needed in order to have clear what you are evaluating
  • In a rubric we must include a scale of ratings. It is recommended not to use more than 4.
  • The description of criteria must be clear and easy to understand and concrete the performance levels.
Here I leave an image I have created with Canva for you to see it clearer.
Assessment rubric by Laura G.

Furthermore, there are many tools for doing your own assessment rubric, such as Rubistar 4 teachers or Quick Rubric. I tried to do my rubric with the first tool, but finally I decided to do it with Quick Rubric because you can add as scale ratings as you want, as well as key aspects for criteria.

Before creating the final rubric I did a draft in Paint, in order to have clear the criteria I want to follow.
 Created with Paint by Laura G

Here you can see the final rubric I have created with Quick Rubric.

After finishing this rubric with this tool, I downloaded as PDF and then I uploaded here through SlideShare.This rubric assessment has been designed for the teacher to evaluate each group, but not only for her/ him. As I told you, at the beginning, in the prototype I showed you, I wanted students to participate in the evaluation as well. So, this rubric is going to be used also for students to assess each group. It can also seen by parents, in order them to know what is going to be assessed in the project. With this rubric we can evaluate the project´s development as well as the final outcome since everything is related.

Moreover, I would like my students to assess themselves. For that, I created an easy self-assessment worksheet, which is not a rubric, that students have to fill in. This worksheet has been made with Microsoft Office Word and then I turned it into an image through Paint.

Created by Laura G

I want to conclude this post by saying that carrying out this new challenge has been very useful for me because I have realized how important for assessing is to make a rubric in which you can see the key aspects of the project and the criteria you are going to follow to evaluate. It is even easier to evaluate by this way. Besides, you can even show it to parents in an organized manner and they are going to understand it easily.
Furthermore, I have learnt new things about assessment, different types and new interesting tools such as Socrative, which is a tool that a teacher from University used during my degree and I did not realized how useful it was to assess the knowledge of the students about certain topics through a different way. It can be used for quick quizzes and also on the fly, through a mobile phone, tablet or computer. You can even create a "race game" and the website automatically divides the class into teams. Students know what colour team they are on and they can look at the rockets racing one another on the board. It is easy and convenient to use, in fact, it gives percentages that can be used as a grade if we're ready for that and it shows the percentege of children answering a question, etc. I like using it with my students, with the tablet, as a game tool for reviewing a topic before an exam. By this way, students get motivated by answering questions about the topic.
You can also look for other tools in Edutopia and put it into practice!

I hope you put into practice the whole process for carrying out your super educational projects, and share your experiences! Although it is a long process, then it is worth!
I will see you soon with another post!!!


  1. Awesome job as always Laura! The rubric you created for your collaborative eProject is great! You included the perfect amount of aspects to assess and the description in each performance level is very detailed! Furthermore, the visuals you used in your entry are making your post even better and clear to understand.

  2. Very interesting Laura! I've enjoyed your post very much!! You always have great ideas :) What a great teacher you are going to be.

  3. hello Laura!!! I really like this post. You have had a very good idea with this scheme done with Paint. Also your entry with that poster you made with canva invites us to read more. The rubric is very clear and the leves are very well organizated. I only can say: Congratulations!
