Wednesday 10 May 2017

3x2 Review!

Hello everybody!!
My trip through the ICT course is finished. But as I love blogging, I want to finish it by sharing with you the things I like the most and something that can be improved from the ICT module.


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  1. I loved the time when we had to do the flipped introduction, interviewing a classmate. It was a fun way to meet my colleague Elena, who I did not know her too much.
  2. Another thing that I loved and I found really interesting for our future, as teachers, was the process for carrying out an Open Educational Project. Although it has not been easy and it has taken a lot of time, but I think it has been very useful for us.
  3. Finally, I loved the moment to share our projects to the real world through an online class. As well as posting our learning process in our blog. Thank to this I could see how I have improved and how many challenges I have achieved in a short period of time.

  Retrieved from Google images
I think we have had a handicap, which is called TIME. We have been under pressure because of that, and I think to really love digital skills you need time, to explore and to be able to manage many digital tools.

Now, let´s finish our ICT module with a little bit of humour!!!!

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